Whenever there's a chance to get some free credit, a discount or gift via a referral, we should take it!
Below are some products and services which we use in my household, and you can benefit from a discount by using our referral code or link.
These are things we genuinely use and recommend.
If you buy something from one of the links, we may earn a commission.

A world class open source password manager for any location or device
Get started for free

Receive a $100, 60-day credit when you add a payment method
Receive $100 credit

Costa Coffee
Get 1 free bean to start, then 5 more with your first purchase of a drink
Use code 'A8H2S'

Get started in commission-free investment with a free share worth £3 to £200
When you invest, your capital is at risk.

Milk & More
Get £5 off your first order of milk or anything else when you spend £10
Use code 'R2B5CF'