New Adventure Incoming

When I first joined All In Media on 15th July 2013, there was a team of four in the smallish London office, one in Sheffield, a couple in Malaysia and another couple in Sydney, Australia.

Six years later the company has seen significant growth; more clients from more countries, a bigger office, a team of 9 in London and not forgetting that the company was bought by a multi-million dollar US giant in December 2016.

After a wonderful time with the team in Twickenham, it’s time to announce that I’m moving on at the end of June to a new adventure.

My time with All In Media

Originally, I was taken on as a QA Engineer by Chris Gould and Jason Malaure straight out of university. I was excited to be working with many great broadcasting companies such as Absolute Radio, RTE and the BBC.

My role has morphed in to a Digital Producer, managing apps and clients on a daily basis, and ensuring the company was delivering quality products to the radio broadcasting industry.

I’ve had the privilege of working with big industry names such as Radioplayer (and their territories around the world), Bauer Media, Radiodays Europe, Communicorp, Les Indes Radios and Wireless Group to name some.

Chris & Jason have allowed me to grow the role and learn so much about project management, client relationships and mobile technology since joining their team, and I am very grateful for that.

AIM joining the DTS and Xperi family of brands was a major change as well; supporting new corporate responsibilities and being able to grow our reach in to the US and other European markets. With the acquisition came learning about new products like HD Radio & the Connected Radio platform and how to talk about them at industry events. Working alongside Joe D’Angelo and Juan Galdamez has enlightened me to a world beyond where AIM had already reached.

In recent months, the importance of my relationships with the app and service developers themselves has really come in to focus and I hope that I’ve been part of cultivating a good work environment which we have all enjoyed. Without the devs, there would be no apps on phones or audio through smart speaker platforms!

I am really proud to have been part of AIM’s history and development. I wish them all the best for the future and thank them for their support during my time there.

What next?

After a holiday with my wife and her family in the USA, I’ll be starting my role as PR & Media Officer at Tearfund in July.

I’ve had the pleasure of being able to build up my media knowledge through events like KingsStock Music Festival, Poacher International Jamboree and ONE Sound FM, and look forward to being able to use these skills to promote the charity and the faith that underpins the work they do.

You can follow what I get up to there by following me on Twitter or connecting on LinkedIn.

Article photo credit: Ross Findon on Unsplash

3 comments on “New Adventure Incoming”

  • Trevor says:

    Congratulations and good luck on your new adventure. Trevor

  • Dee says:

    What an exciting opportunity! Congratulations and we look forward to seeing you and Katie in a few weeks. Love, Aunt Dee

  • Jane says:

    Congratulations Oliver, I know you’ll give your new role 110% of your commitment. I’m so proud of the man you have become, believe in yourself and others will believe in you too!…Have a super holiday and I look forward to seeing you in July…much love A Jane xxx

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